February 17, 2010

Least favorite thing about working with children?

GETTING SICK! I feel like I have been sick for an entire month! It's just impossible to avoid illness with all the germs floating around. I love the little critters, but ick! For the past day I've had the worst cold I think I've ever had. Holy congestion. Could not BREATHE today! NOT FUN!!!!!!

Breakfast was a Golden Corn Vitatop.
Fresh out of the toaster oven! This probably would have been delicious but as I mentioned I am so stuffed up that I can barely taste anything :( A reader asked how I get by on just a Vitatop for breakfast and to be honest when I have these instead of oatmeal I am hungry much sooner. I usually only have them when I'm lazy or simply don't have the time to make anything else! Like today!

I made my own lunch today because Bryan pulled an all-nighter to do grad work. I knew my pics would be lame-o so I decided to shake things up and take a pic of how my lunch looks all packaged up. OOoo Aaahh!
I had tuna and tomatoes on a whole-wheat wrap, broccoli and fat free veggie dip, and a mix of some melba thins and potato and chive (Food Should Taste Good) chips. Like breakfast, it was hard for me to taste but I drowned my tuna in garlic powder to make it a little better.

Dinner was waiting for me in the fridge :)
I had requested Bryan's awesome turkey burgers and sauteed spinach and he certainly came through. This meal was fantastic. I smothered my burger in bbq sauce and spicy mustard. Meals like this make me wonder why buns are ever necessary.

After dinner I snacked on a handful of potato and chive chips and a chocolate Special K bar.

Tonight's plan is Cardio Party at 8ish followed by some yoga on Wii Fit. Easier said than done though because all I want to do right now is take a big fat nap!!


  1. i ADORE golden corn vitatops!! they are DELISH heated up in the package for about 20 sec..they stay soooo moist! its my fav way of eating them! AND with dark chocolate dreams!

  2. VitaTops in the toaster oven....GENIUS!! I can't believe I didn't think of doing that before, haha.

  3. Sweetie Pie, you'd better load up on the antioxidants or start taking some Vitamin D or C or both - You can't be sick like this all the time!!! It's no good (like you don't know that already!) Make sure you drink plenty too - !!!

  4. Love your Vera bag!!!
